Saturday, May 14, 2011

Miss the moment...

This video was created by myself about 2 years ago...
2 years ago, all of us were just graduated from our secondary school...
In the twinkling of an eye, we are now a 20+ years old youngster...
Time flies isn't it? =(

To all my friends~~
I'd lost my handphone few months ago in a robbery...
and...I felt so sorry that I'd lost most of your contact numbers =(
But luckily...most of us are still keep in touch in Facebook ^_^

Dear friends~I miss u all badly...
I miss all the moment during school time...
My dear friends~How have you been lately?
Remember to keep in touch always ya~Do not lose touch with me ok?=)


  1. hi fren~! thanks for following my blog ya =)
    keep in touch in fb o ^^

  2. sure!!!
    i got blog also ah~~~hahaha~~
    welcome for follow^^
